"Peace is the simplicity of heart, serenity of mind, tranquility of soul, the bond of love" Love in Pietrelcina
When I was 13 months old, my baby brother was born. A few weeks later, my paternal grandfather, my brother's namesake, died. Many of us grandkids on that side of the family never got to know my grandfather. Never got to hear his stories, never got to know if he had a sense humor or not. The only things I knew about him, were how much he loved my mother. So I know the man had good taste, but for me there was still something missing with his passing. I am a forever student, I love learning about people and it felt like there was a loop that would never be closed with Grandpa gone.
I feel this got me into genealogy research. It all started during COVID. I got the green leaf. The more green leaves that popped up, the more excited I became. The more stories members of my family were willing to share. The more I felt like I made sense. Then there came going to a genealogy conference, then walking the same cobblestones family members of mine walked a long, long time ago.
I've spoken about not feeling connected to family roots in Genoa, while feeling a slice of them in Dublin. But in Pietrelcina I was looking for something else. Perhaps thats because Pietrelcina represented a family member of mine that had come and gone without me knowing them. Yet, Grandpa was ever present in my father and brother, and in the faces of my uncles.

But through a crazy series of events, I was able to connect with cousins that still lived in Pietrelcina, and better yet, knew our family history all the way back to the 1600s! They were so gracious, so kind, to meet with my father and myself and give us a tour around the city where my great-grandfather was born. Got to meet cousins of all ages, shapes and sizes. But all so, incredibly wonderful. Their generosity knew no bounds. Getting to hear their stories, getting to know their personalities which were so similar to our family in NY. My cousin Antonio set up a beautiful day that lived up to all my expectations.
I hope I never forget this day and beauty, magic, generosity and kindness. I hope one day I am able to pay this day forward. I felt complete again. My heart expanded. I can see my father rolling his eyes at me now for my corniness. But I am also thankful my father got to share in this experience with me.
I learned that my grandfather would not have been into this adventure. He was evidently never curious about where his father came from or that piece of his history. But in spite of that I did feel closer to my grandfather. I hope, if there's a heaven, or if his energy is still watching over his grandchildren, it made his spirit smile.