"Travel Opens your Mind as few other things do" Love in Brussels
I travel a lot for pleasure, but I've gotten to be able to create a years worth of content because of my travel for work. It has allowed me to visit places I otherwise never would have been able to see. Brussels was on my list of places to be able to visit, but I got to go there through work. When I'm traveling for work, obviously that has to be the priority. But I also make sure to take some time to walk around the city and see some landmarks.
It's also when you get to bond with your coworkers. Especially when you're in a remote working enviornment like I am, there's so many coworkers I haven't met in person. Getting to do these trips, it's speeding up that process of getting to know folks so incredibly quickly. After a long day, and you're all having dinner with one another, you want to talk about anything outside of work. So you get to know the real personalities behind your coworkers. If you're lucky, most of the time they're also excited to be in a new city as well and they'll want to walk around with you. So that's when I've gotten to walk around cities at night safely.
Once I started traveling for work I made sure to do the following to make my life easier:
Sign up for miles with all the airlines you can. If you go on enough work trips, you aquire points which helps you get your personal travels for free.
I signed up for TSA pre-check and CLEAR.
Have a kit pre-packed for all times with the travel hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. This way you dont forget the little things that you would need to use the morning of your travel. For all of my personal items I have a travel set and a home set.
If you're interested in more things I do to set myself up for success for traveling with work, please reach out at hieatexplorelove@gmail.com. Be safe, and be open to exploring the city with your amazing coworkers. If they would prefer to stay in their hotel room, make sure you still take advantage of the opportunity in front of you and see a city that you wouldn't have been able to otherwise!
Apologies for the blurry photo - but it was better than nothing!